So you could understand my hesitation when I was approached with a few writing opportunities, most notably by Vibe magazine to blog on their website. I wanted to be the asshole, you know, talk about how my blog was the Internet equivalent to a "grass roots organization" that wouldn't be tainted by "big business", but all my machismo was tamed by a very nice woman named Julianne. I wanted to wax poetic about how they couldn't afford me, how my writings will stand the test of time on some "archaeologists will dig up my writings 500 years from now and proceed to worship and masturbate to them with glee" kind of shit, but they offered me enough weed and whore money to soothe this savage pre-ejaculator. Lastly, I was prepared to turn them down flat because I felt like they would handcuff a brother creatively and language-wise, but unbelievably my preconceived notions were once again thwarted since the good people at Vibe are giving me carte blanc to do whatever the fuck I want.
So, if you haven't gotten your fill of me over here(My ex's complained that I didn't "fill" them at all), check me out here because that's where I will also be spreading my message of Hip Hop and pre-ejaculation.(Even though I'm not fully integrated into the system yet. I.T, get on your fucking job yo!!)
Congrats! I am soo happy for you! Vibe needs a serious pick me up.
that's awesome. congrats!
Change the muh-fuckin' game, Critic!!!!
I'm so proud....
No, you CAN'T touch my titties...
Wow! That's really awesome... I'll be looking out for you over there at Vibe. Kudos!
Hey, even mos def is doing GMC commercials, like Tupac and MC Breed said...Get yours!
Hey even Mos Def is doing GMC commercials. So like Tupac and MC Breed said..."Get yours!"
Congrats HC. Very happy for you.
Congratulations. You really deserve that kind of exposure. You are very talennted.
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