Dear Sade,
Ms. Adu you don't know me, not many people do outside of my weed man, a slew of bartenders, and a white stripper named "Cadillac" with gluteal muscles so massive that I keep openly suggesting that there's black folks in her genealogy(or her family fed her nothing but pork products every day since she left the womb), but my name is Humanity F.Critic. If you were to do read my blog, or do a F.B.I background check so extensive that I'm sure rubber gloves massaging my prostate wouldn't be beyond the realm of imagination, it would be as clear as the glass that retards like to lick that I'm not the textbook example of marriage material. To say that I have a history of insensitivity in relationships would be a gross understatement akin to saying that Rosie O'Donnell has a casual affection for snacks and shit, I'm sure that me calling out other women's names during sex would be frowned upon by a classy broad such as yourself. My penchant for leaving money on dressers after sex, eating sandwiches while receiving oral, affectionately calling the wet spot in the mattress that a lover leaves post coitus as a "toxic waste spill", or the words "baby's arm" that I had tattooed on my otherwise unimpressive penis, I know you hear these things and want to run with the surprising speed of a mummy in "Dawn of the Dead".
I'm writing all of this is because I can change, sure there has been women from all walks of life that attempted to rehabilitate me, treating me as if I'm their pet project the same way someone spends weekends rebuilding that old Camaro in their backyard, obviously all of their valiant attempts were thwarted. Well, because I have loved you since the days when I played video games all day and had no clue what the female orgasm was(not much has changed), I feel if there is one woman that could tame me it's you. Like that nun who used to beat my ass in catholic school because she claimed to "care for me deeply", why don't you let love rule in this particular instance? Sure I'm rough around the edges, like that uber feminist that I once dated who refused to shave her fucking mustache, but after you see how deep my love goes for you, it will be like intercourse in broken watch towers- we'll be fucking in no time. Let me give you some brief examples.

You could talk to me any way you'd like sweetie: One of the most commonly used words that I've used in relationships, outside of "Is it alright if I wipe my dick on your curtains" and "Why did they have to kill cohese!!" as I sobbingly watch "Coolie High", is "Who in the fuck do you think you're talking to!??" Actually, I've said that to men before, pre-fight that is, I guess I like saying those 10 words because I can deliver them with the most accurate pimp delivery this side of Morgan Freeman's performance in "Street Smart" and shit. I'm just allergic to authority, bullshit, and slick talk, so much in fact that if I had a quarter for every time I blew someones words out of proportion I could finally graduate to a higher class of hookers. Not with you dear, I'd suffer in silence as you and your friends openly laugh at the fact that you only give me shit like treadmills and bar-bells for Christmas. That's OK. While we make sweet love I can ignore the fact that you call me a "sweaty black beast" mid coitus, simply regarding your sentiment that you are "getting punched in the stomach" with my gut as the inside joke of lovers. Oh, did I mention that I'd be willing to take you last name?? What do you say sugar-tits, I mean "dear"??
Sincerely Humanity F Critic
HC, you are a live trip! I admire your writing skills, simply amazing!
you a nut, gee.
I wanna laugh, but at the same time I feel like you just made a pass at my woman.
It's been a while. I'm so glad I stopped by. I needed a laugh.
I'm 57% positive you're not as bad in real life as you make yourself out to be. Tatoo on your penis?! Really?!
Your phone must be ringing off the hook by now. I mean, how are they gonna resist sweet talk like that? Better be careful though. Before you know it you'll be sporting a wedding ring.
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