Saturday, April 28, 2007
"Making of the Ban": Rappers will still find ways to disrespect women(Vibe.com)

Friday, April 27, 2007
Thinking too much can turn you into Howard Hughes

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can't let shit consume you, because if you think about shit too long your ass will certainly be on some Howard Hughes shit. Here are a few examples of things that you can't worry too much about because if you do you'll never leave your fucking house.(Or possibly find yourself in a padded room somewhere.)

Wouldn't you know it, apparently he had misread some test, and my liver was surprisingly as healthy as ever. After threatening to kill the good doctor in the nicest way imaginable, I celebrated by getting shitfaced drunk.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
My Mother and I discuss a few songs on my IPOD

I know you can't tell by reading this potty mouthed blog sometimes, but my mother is the reason that I have such an deep love and admiration for women. She's also behind the fact that I will never marry a white woman, or perform in pornographic movies - while she's on this earth that is. For all the love she's showed me, the life tools that she instilled in me to navigate the turbulent waters of life in my dread-locked life-raft, how do I repay her? I subject her to some random songs on my IPOD, and force her to talk about them.

(song starts)
Mom: This is Big Daddy Kane isn't it?
HumanityCritic:(shaking head in disbelief) Yes.. I swear, you have more knowledge about Hip Hop than 80% of the blistering incompetents that call themselves "journalists"
Mom: I used to give you shit about the Hip Hop that you listened to as a kid, but it doesn't take a historian on the genre to recognize that tunes like this came from a "Golden Age" of sorts. Why does Biz Markie come to mind when I think about Big Daddy Kane?
HumanityCritic: ..they were in the same crew, and I think that Kane wrote damn near all of Biz Markie's hits on his first album.
Mom: I read your post about Stanley Crouch, that man is terribly difficult to look at.
HumanityCritic: I wasn't going to say it, but I agree. I get the sinking suspicion that if you looked at Chewbacca's shaved nut-sack, you'd think that you were looking at Stanley Crouch.
Mom: Okay, that's enough - Play the next song.

(song starts)
Mom: Hey, isn't this that British chick? Um..
HumanityCritic: Amy Winehouse..
Mom: Yeah! I'm always kind of suspicious whenever a white soul singer is pushed on the public so aggressively, not because of the color of her skin - but because they always make them seem like a "great white hope". That being said, I like some of the stuff I've heard from her. (Listening to the lyrics) Is this song about someone smoking up all her drugs?
HumanityCritic: Yes..
Mom: You fucking burn-out, I wonder how many songs on your IPOD are dedicated to some form of mind-altering substances.
HumanityCritic: No comment.
Mom: Remember that time when you were in High School and smoked some bad weed, you came to me clutching your chest saying "Mama! Mama!, I'm having a heart attack!"(laughs)
HumanityCritic: That's not funny, I thought I was dying..
Mom: You just can't handle your smoke, I was going to buy you a pair of panties for that memorable occasion but your father talked me out of it. By the way, Amy Winehouse looks like a pre-op transvestite.
HumanityCritic: Jesus, you are on a roll today.. I'm going to play the next song.

(song starts)
HumanityCritic: Why did this song have to come on?
Mom: What? It's in your IPOD, you don't like it? Who is this?
HumanityCritic: This is O.C. No, I love the song, its just the subject matter..
Mom:(listening to the song) OK, so far the guy is stressed out because of a cheating girlfriend..(waits a few seconds) I don't really see the issue with.. OH!! His girl is cheating on him with another girl, now I see why you felt funny about this song.
HumanityCritic: Don't start.
Mom: I think it's a good thing that my son has charitably donated to the lesbian community for the past 10 years.
HumanityCritic:(putting my head in my hands)
Mom: How many women have you turned into lesbians now? Isn't the running count something like 4?
HumanityCritic:(mumbling) 6
Mom: Jesus Christ!! You should run a service for gay broads who have crushes on straight broads - in no time you will have the woman listening to Melissa Etheridge albums, watching "The View" with a renewed passion, and have her spending the better part of her day picking hair out of her teeth.(laughs)
HumanityCritic: You are a proverbial joke machine, is there a two drink minimum when you perform at "The Chuckle Hut"?

(song starts)
Mom: I know who this is, its Robin Thicke.
HumanityCritic: Yeah, how did you know that?
Mom: I saw him on Oprah last week. I'm usually not into white boys, but I would definitely let that Caucasian crooner slide his tongue down the crack of my..
HumanityCritic: HEY!!!! That's enough!!
Mom: OK, OK. This song is alright, why are you cringing?
HumanityCritic: No, I love the song as well - it's just that this glass licking retard named Lil Wayne covered this song, he pretty much desecrated it.
Mom: Well, he had to have Robin Thicke's approval, right?
HumanityCritic: He got that, he even appeared in that shitstain's video for said song!!
Mom:(Sarcastically) Blasphemy!!!

(song starts)
Mom:(listening intensely) Are they covering Stevie Wonder's "Higher Ground"?
HumanityCritic: Right again, I feel like I should be handing you prizes or some shit.
Mom: This is pretty good, the best cover songs is when the artist's puts their own spin on the original work.
HumanityCritic: I read somewhere that this is Stevie Wonder's favorite cover of one of his songs. I love this group, one of the saddest moments I had as a fan was when Anthony Kiedes was forced to admit that he was back on heroin during an MTV interview - I almost shed a tear.
Mom: See, why did you have to go and fuck that up? We were vibing off of some music, and you had to go and mess it up by reminding me what kind of pussy my son is? Maybe its not too late to give you that pair of panties, only this time I have to shop at Lane Bryants!

(song starts)
Mom: This songs pretty cool, who is this?
HumanityCritic: De La Soul, "A Roller Skating Jam Named Saturdays"
Mom: It kind of takes me back to when I used to roller-skate as a young girl, those were the days..
HumanityCritic: Back when you hung with Josephine Baker, was an integral part of the Harlem Renaissance, and actually saw John Coltrane perform?
Mom: Motherfucker, I'm not that old!!(mumbling) Even though I did see John Coltrane perform though.
HumanityCritic: Anyway, these guys are one of my favorite groups. Oh, did I fail to mention that those miserable sons of bitches at MTV failed to put them in their shitty "best of" list?
Mom:(shaking her head) Here we go.
HumanityCritic: I'm saying, how are you going to have UGK on a fucking top 10 list??!!
Mom: Relax..
HumanityCritic: How are you going to put N.W.A over Run D.M.C? Dirty cocksuckers, I swear to god!
Mom: Just play the next song, before you start buying ammo on EBay to rectify your problem.

(song starts)
Mom:(giving me a bewildered look) What..in the FUCK.. is this?
HumanityCritic: This is Chuck D, featuring the sporadic oratory skills of Sister Souljah in the background. You don't like it?
Mom: I guess the song could grow on me....like a tumor!! This sounds like preparation music that serial killers play pre-slaughter.
HumanityCritic: You are crazy, quiet as kept this is one of my favorite songs by Chuck D.
Mom: That's what you need to do from now on, keep that shit "quiet as kept". I remember Sister Souljah though, didn't she have that one retarded looking pony tail on the side of her head? She always looked like she did her hair in a hurricane.(laughs)
HumanityCritic:(laughs) Seriously though, she's the main reason that I never appointed Clinton as "the first black president" - how he threw Sister Souljah under he bus just to satisfy the rednecks before his presidency.
Mom: That was fucked up. In the song she should have said, "WE ARE AT WAR....WITH HAIRSTYLISTS!!!" (laughs)
HumanityCritic: OK, last song.

(song plays)
Mom: Wait a minute.. Is this(gulp), Christina Aguilera?
HumanityCritic: It is, and?
Mom: I'm saying, last time it was Boy George, I'm just waiting for the day that you sit me down for a heartfelt "Mom, I'm allergic to vagina" speech.
HumanityCritic: Listen, I dug this album, mostly because the man who produced it is a dude who I consider to be the best beat-maker of all time.
Mom:(listening) OK, it's pretty good. In this age of no talents flooding the air waves, as least she's paying homage to the greats. I'm cool with that.
HumanityCritic: I'm glad you see things my way.
Mom: No, actually "seeing things your way" would be going to gay clubs called "The Cockpit", and rummaging through my jewelry box for a stunning pair of earrings to wear. That being said, I do like this song.
HumanityCritic: OK, now that you have totally emasculated me on my own blog, I'm about to get shitfaced drunk, sucker punch a couple of grown men in their respective faces, and find some woman of ill repute so I can clumsily enter her person.
Mom: That isn't anything unusual, that's a Monday for you..
HumanityCritic: Cute, until next time. I love you.
Mom: I love you too.
HumanityCritic's Plug of the Week: "The J.Pitts Show"

Like any elderly person who actually made something of their existence will tell you, life is one big learning experience - regardless how smart you think you are, life has a way of humbling you based on what you don't know. Even though Hip Hop has taught me many things: to know what I'm talking about before criticizing it(based on three decades of know-nothing detractors), if it wasn't for Chuck and KRS the only "community Outreach" that I would be a part of would be penetrating as many women in my neighborhood as humanly possible - and I'm certain that any writing talent that I may have comes from those boring history classes where I would carefully construct battle rhymes littered with metaphors and similes. But now, at the grizzled age of 33 mind you, I still find myself learning lessons - as I stare at my "Return of the Jedi" poster I have to say, Hip Hop has a great way of making a feared Jedi warrior feel like an entry level padawan learner. For example, based on how many glass licking younger adults that I've met, and all the embarrassing blogs from people who claim that they love Hip Hop - I had pretty much decided that if you were a certain age bracket that you couldn't know shit about real Hip Hop.
Keep in mind, I know that such sweeping generalizations had a great statistical chance of biting me in the ass at some later date - but I stuck to my guns, spouting my new found belief as belligerently as a Hillbilly who constantly quotes specific bible passages that he believes proves his theory that black folks are inferior. Again, Hip Hop has a way of humbling you. I started to meet young cats who were B-Boys, dudes who were hardly coherent when "Illmatic" came out were spinning shit like "Funky 4+1" at their respective DJ gigs, cats who were 15 years my junior started schooling me on aspects of Graffiti that I never knew existed. All of this brings me to J.Pitts.
My good friend Iselfra Hipped me to it(like he does so many other things), and I couldn't get enough of his show. At the age of 24, he lays down the final bitch-slap in terms of my preconceptions - creating a radio show full of dope Hip Hop from the planet of Pittsburgh Pa. A soothing stream of underground sounds to wash that Clear Channel Hip Hop off of you soul, a kind of uncut dopeness for your sensibilities - quickly making you forget about all those "Hip Hop Bloggers" who want you to respect them, despite the fact that they try to get their love of Chamillionaire, Jim Jones, and Lil Wayne by you without you noticing. Check him out here, tell him your boy HumanityCritic sent you.
(Shout out to J.pitts for shouting me out on his show. Based on his most recent show, I must feel the urge to put one of my quotes in the proper context..lol:)
"I was hipped to it recently and lately your site is one of my constant on-line rotations, outside of Janeane Garafolo fan-sites, and any porn site that features thick Asians and cock-eyed midgets with a penchant for being humiliated."

My Top 25 Hip Hop Albums

Thursday, April 19, 2007
What in the fuck happened to my dance arsenal?

But the one talent that father time has erased, a ninja-like gracefulness that I couldn't get back if I sold Lucifer the rights to my calorie filled soul, is my ability to - as Young MC so succinctly put it - "Bust a Move". When I was a child I could move like the Godfather of soul himself, shuffling and doing sporadic splits like some sort of trained monkey for all those racist ass teachers that wanted to see the only black kid in the school perform for them. As I got older I was the furthest thing from the best B-Boy, but I did enough for some of the young ladies to randomly throw a pre-teen titty in my mouth - and I was just good enough where the other more experienced B-Boys didn't find the need to treat my skull like a negro pinata. In high school I had the full arsenal of choreography, whenever I entered a school dance I walked in with the swagger of Rambo, canvassing the war-zone for my best plan of attack - my artillery including "The Running Man", a handful of Dance-hall moves that I refused to learn the names of, "The Bus stop", "The Prep", and the proverbial Chewbacca belt wrapped around my body were the slew of dance moves that I happened to invent myself. Even in college I still had it, do you know how many women will hand you the keys to that sweet ass based on that foolish "If he's a good dancer he must be a good lay" myth? My college career was littered with disgruntled lovers who said, "He can't fuck worth a damn, but he can sure dance his ass off!!"
Concerning my dance prowess now, I feel exactly the same way I did while sobbingly clutching the breasts of a woman after her reduction surgery, screaming to the high heavens "Where did it all go?!!" On the dance floor I've become Clark Kent with a Kryptonite rock in his trousers, Austin Powers without his mojo, Barry Bonds without his steroid syringe, I've suddenly went from a bona fide dance machine to those white girls I danced with in High School who moved like they were listening to an entirely different song. I'm serious man, even the most pedestrian of dance maneuvers take some very intense thought and planning - as if my left and right brain were plotting while looking at some well detailed schematics. Granted, I have a few moves in my repertoire, but they are sadder than shit. Here a a few:

Dry-humping to a beat: Bumping and grinding on a dance floor is an aged old tradition, like Sunday dinners and oppression, there's nothing particularly shocking about me rubbing my well-crafted piece of "Virginia Oak" against some loose woman's overpriced jeans. I'm actually a grizzled veteran of this particular ritual, if I had a million dollars for every time sex was the end result of me saying to a woman "Girl, you feel that?!! THAT can be inside you if you want it to be?!!" - well, my bank account would be in the same sorry state of affairs that its in currently. But now I just creep women out, no longer masking my urge to fuck with fluid dance moves - now I just lead the woman around by my erection, acting as if my unimpressive phallus is a light-saber and her backside is a pesky storm trooper. Sometimes it goes to a whole other sad level, getting so worked up that when she turns around and says "Wow, you really are excited aren't you?" I just quickly put my finger over her mouth, manually turn her head back around and say "Shh, you know you ruin it by talking!!" Man, I have to get married.

You know, I wonder if Stanley Crouch can take a motherfucking punch?

I haven't been interested in what Ben Chavis has had to say ever since I saw him in a Jim Jones video once, I figured that the two former editors of "Essence", Diane Weather and Asha Bandele would be rather centrist while taking the necessary shots at Hip Hop to garner enough cheap applause from the white women in the audience who hate every black person BUT Oprah. I can't forget the sister's from Spelman College famous for banning Nelly from performing there a few years back, well meaning young women all of them - but as they cackled incoherently about Hip Hop taking responsibility throughout the show, and how they immediately stop dancing in a club whenever a DJ plays a negative song(horseshit) - how can they explain the artists like R-Kelly, T-Pain, and acts of that ilk on their respective myspace pages?(I can find anyone online baby) What, it's not degrading to women if the artist just happens to sing it? Get the fuck outta here!! But lastly, I knew that Jason Whitlock and Stanley Crouch would attack Hip Hop like it was the pork-chop causing black America's hypertension. As Mr. Crouch dressed down Hip Hop like a disobedient concubine, ranting and raving about how the genre that he obviously loathes effects millions of children negatively - lecturing us about personal responsibility, that's when I thought about challenging Stanley Crouch to a fight. That's right, mano y mano, I haven't throatchopped a bastard in a very long time. Stanley, if your reading this, this is to you motherfucker:
"Come on Stan, you want a piece of me? Take off those panties and prove to me that your heart doesn't pump Kool-Aid, you fucking fruit cup!!! I know, I know, I'm 28 years your junior, but you look like you can handle yourself just fine. Granted, I'm strong, have a chin shattering uppercut, and I'm not completely conflicted about putting a bloated and hypocritical senior citizen on his ass - only to go through your pockets afterwords on some shameless High School Bully shit mind you . I don't particularly think that you should be the one criticizing Hip Hop, you know, acting as if you are an authority on the subject when it's painfully obvious that you know more about where Jimmy Hoffa's remains are. This outta be good pussy, I'm in Virgina and not that hard to find, bring it bitch!! When I'm done beating you senseless, you'll have Hip Hop deep inside your soul.. actually, you'll find shell-toe Adidas remains in your stool for a while!!"
Obviously I would never pummel an old man(unless he wants it), if there is one thing that Hip Hop has taught me over the years - based on all the ill-informed detractors I've encountered, is that people are entitled to their opinions. Even though it doesn't surprise me that Mr Crouch is good friends with Wynton Marsalis(another man who has tended to bend over and speak out of a hidden orifice whenever addressing Hip Hop), I respect his opinion even though its contradictory to mine. Maybe Mr. Crouch would have been better served listening to Hip Hop himself, it would have taught him respect for other people's viewpoints, because over the years it has been documented that he has quite the penchant for violence. Slugging a Jazz Award show organizer after he confronted him about Crouch's negative on stage remarks, slapped a critic(Dale Peck) in a restaurant after he gave his book an unfavorable review then saying "Don’t you ever do that again. If you do you’ll get much worse!" - not to mention giving the proverbial knuckle sandwich to the likes of a jazz writer(Russ Musto), an editor(Ron Plotkin), and putting Harry Allen in a choke-hold.
That's gangster Stanley!! You know, N.W.A never made me want to kill people, Too Short never tempted to me to have a girl "in my stable" so to speak, and I love my mother despite the lyrical content of Eminem - but sir, reading your extensive history of violence, the level of gangsterism and all out disregard for your fellow man, it really makes me want to pummel the shit out of any rap critic that I come across. Take a bow kind sir, you are an influence, and I'd like to exercise said influence on that baboons ass you call a face.(Even though this is satire, I'm really here all day. What!!?)
(Since the holier-than-thou Jason Whitlock, the guy who incoherently rambles about black people being "coons" and such was once on "PTI" eating ribs live on the air - I was going to challenge him to a watermelon eating contest since that seems right up his alley. You think he'd be down?)
Maybe the Dali Lama is the only one who can criticize Hip Hop(Vibe)

Friday, April 13, 2007
HumanityCritic's brief take on Friendships

Now that I'm older I see that I'm the same way, sorta. Even though I've been known to keep people at arms length it wasn't because I didn't particularly embrace them as friends - despite my penchant for public drunkenness, love for reciting public enemy lyrics while having fellatio performed on me, and my habit of spewing all of my personal business on this blog like it was the proverbial handkerchief in this virtual porn theater that I call a life - believe it or not I'm an extremely private person. Maybe I'm an asshole, snobbishly selecting my friends like I was a doorman at "Studio 64" circa 1978, but I'd say that only 20% of the people who claim that they are my friends are actually correct about their status. I'm sorry, my standards when it comes having your back in a fight and taking one for the team - shamelessly distracting the fat friend of the girl you really want to get with by mistakenly fucking one of her fat creases during sex, are higher than crack feins on trampolines to be completely honest. Here are some of the traits that I feel a true friend should have..

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