Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Rachel Maddow and Melissa Harris-Lacewell clown Michael Steele
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I've always been pretty pragmatic about the women who I've had my respective crushes on. Take Janeane Garofalo for example. She is funny, smart, an avid reader who doesn't own a computer(which makes my nerd nature rise), a political knife fighter tailor made for an insufferable prick like myself - and any white woman confident in her liberal street cred enough to call a black man(Larry Elder) a "House Negro" gets eternal props in my book. That said, when I actually envision the both of us being together, it simply spells disaster. For one thing Janeane is a recovering alcoholic, so my penchant for binge drinking would go over like a lead fucking balloon. Being a comedian you'd think that she'd openly embrace other peoples comedic sensibilities, but more times than not I've seen her openly reject any verbiage that comes within a square mile of juvenile crassness. As much as I would love to intimately show Ms. Garofalo how chubby writers with inferiority complexes get down, I'm certain that the tenure of our union would be spent with her reprimanding and dressing me down every few minutes for some unfortunate joke I decided to tell.
The same pragmatism is applied to Melissa Harris-Lacewell as well. My crush on her hearkens back to the days when I had a school boy fascination with a third rate singer with sub par acting skills who played opposite some guy named "Taimak". At first blush the two of us would seem like a perfect fit. She is cute, by the looks of this video she is a Hip Hop head, I've always had a weird affection for black women with lisps.. Then the reality of it all starts to sets in, my old man's words haunting my every thought - "Son, you have to punch your weight!". Again, the fact that I've embraced my inner asshole a long time ago gets in the way of a perfectly innocent fantasy. I mean, she is a serious writer who has penned articles for reputable publications about serious topics - regardless of the topic, I always find a way of referencing my penis in everything that I write. She's cultured, hob nobs with important people the world over. I'm the guy who once gave a girlfriend a dutch oven then proceeded to laugh about it over the course of the next hour. I've slowly learned that a lot of the advice that I've given Team Obama over the last 2 years turned out to be dead wrong, but Melissa Harris-Lacewell is a political scientist for Christs sake - I'm sure that being told that you are a clueless rube in real time is very emasculating. Still, a boy can dream can't he.?
(The video above is Melissa Harris-Lacewell and Rachel Maddow mercilessly mocking Michael Steele's vision of injecting some Hip Hop sensibilities into the GOP. Enjoy)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Barack Obama: A chess player amongst a sea of checkers aficionados

Ever since Barack Obama announced his candidacy on the steps of the old Capital Building in Springfield, Illinois, his actions on the campaign trail and subsequently in the White House, has undoubtedly proven to an ill tempered degenerate like myself that I could never be Commander in Chief of this great nation of ours. During the primary debates, whenever Hillary Clinton shamelessly played the Rezko card, I screamed at the television screen wondering why Obama didn't proceed to spend the rest of the night very cavalierly naming all of the shady characters Mrs. Clinton has ever been associated with. Shows what I know, he instead chose to keep it cool and take the high road. Thinking three steps ahead, he knew that he had to win over a large percentage of her voters when he became the Democratic nominee. After Barack Obama became our 44th President and the fate of that traitorous bastard Joe Lieberman was in his grasp, I wanted him to figuratively take him out like "Bishop" did "Radames" in the movie "Juice"(..even yelling "Riverside Motherfucker" after the duty was done) Obviously our President did the exact opposite. Letting Joe Lieberman's transgressions slide turned out to be a rather shrewd move, because in turn, the good Senator from Connecticut was not only a big cheerleader of the Stimulus Bill but also he helped out when those talks started to break down. The mere idea of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State made me vomit inside my mouth a little, I found no reason to reward her after she waged a shitty campaign filled with veiled racism and dog-whistles - people like to forget that when her back was against the wall during the primaries she courted the right wing media of all people. Again, our President made a fool out of me. Sure, she is qualified, but keep your friends close and your enemies closer they say - plus, the last thing he needed was a bitter ass Hillary causing trouble in the Senate.(Just imagine if she came out against the Stimulus Bill? Oh Boy)

"Damn it feels good to see people up on it"
Even though the election is over and my guy won, I'm still pretty bitter, getting Bill and Hillary's condescending "He'll get his turn" approach to President Obama during the Primaries out of my head is a pretty herculean task. The Reverend Wright coverage depressed me for days on end. Even though I'm fully aware that Sean Hannity is the opposition, but his xenophobic scare tactics has assured one thing - if I ever see that motherfucker, I'm going to soften his ass up with a pillowcase full of sodas. Like the Holocaust, I often email youtube clips of the inbred racists at Palin rally's to friends with the words "Never Forget" as the respective title. But all the black conservatives who came out of the woodwork during the election now seem both sad and amazingly funny. Funny because, well, my guy won and they are left looking like a geriatric pair of tits. Sad because this their "I'm not a uncle tom, I just have conservative views" shtick doesn't work this time - not when you supported a ticket that was all about racist dog whistles and xenophobia. Yes, you are a conservative man, but you are a black man first - so it was fun to sit back and watch with curiosity as John McCain stoked white fears to win an election. Like strippers with daddy issues who take their clothes off for acceptance, black conservatives did the predictable shuck and jive routine because some black girl in their past called them "ugly" Enter James T Harris. Damn it feels good to see people up on it!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Barack Obama has a black belt in calling out ignorance
Now that I'm a couple of years shy of the age my father was when I was born, not only have I been seriously thinking about injecting some poor soul with my demon-seed as of late - I've also started to take stock of all the undesirable qualities that I've unfortunately inherited from my old man. My unreasonable impatience, hair trigger temper, tactless nature, my penchant for being habitually late, being susceptible to cinematic tearjerkers - all things that I hoped would skip over yours truly and hopefully affect one of my future crumb-snatchers. But to be honest, there are some not-so-great qualities that I've inherited from my old man that I fully embrace. The first one, something I've desperately hoped for ever since my very inebriated grandmother punched me in the face circa 85' - is that I'm a rather jovial drunk. The second, my chubbiness - sure, it would be great to be cut up like Brad Pitt in "Fight Club" - but my self esteem is intact solely because a beer gut shields my eyes from a part of my anatomy that I refer to as "the black myth ruiner". Lastly, even though exhibiting this viewpoint hardly wins me any friends - but like my old man, I rudely call people out for having I.Q's south of room temperature. My father, who was in the military for 30 years before being a master mechanic, would make grown men in his shop weep whenever they incorrectly installed a part or expressed logic that he found to be tortured. Unlike him, I'm not in the business of berating friends and loved ones, I channel my inner asshole for good and not evil - but people ranging from strangers to acquaintances get the business end of ridicule whenever something utterly foolish escapes their uninformed mandible. That's why I dig our new president so much, because it looks like he's inherited that same asshole gene as well.
In the video above, after hearing John "leather-face" Boehner and Eric "soul of a game show host" Cantor speak to any media outlet that would have them and shamelessly lie about his stimulus package - our Commander in Chief corrects the record with a time honored "what are you, fucking retarded?" tone to his rhetoric. I love that. I hold the firm belief that ignorance shouldn't be met with civility but hostility, not with measured responses but with sarcasm and contempt. That way of thinking is underlined when he exhaustively asks, "What do you think a stimulus is?", and firmly states "That's the point!". This tactic isn't new to the President, remember when he chin checked the GOP concerning tire gauges - same tone, same scrappy insistence to get in the middle of the ring and trade with ignorance. Hold on to your hats, the next four years is going to get very interesting. My dad would be so proud.
This just breaks your heart..
As George Bush ate cake with John McCain while Katrina did her damnedest to drown every New Orleans resident that she could get her hands on, I don't know what affected me more today - the heart-wrenching pain in Ms. Henrietta Hughes' voice as she pleaded for help, or the fact that we actually have a president who gives a fuck. One media misconception of Obama, outside of the hamfisted pre-election "He has a Hispanic/poor white person problem" - was that he was cold and aloof, lacking compassion somehow. Not the case at all.
While opponents of the President will clumsily recite the words "..this isn't change you believe in" whenever Barack Obama does something that they don't like - nothing has defined change like the last week. I mean, townhalls where the questions weren't scripted, meeting with 9/11 and USS Cole family members and inviting their criticisms, answering questions from hostile Sean Hannity fans.. If you don't think that the Obama administration is a complete departure from the last 8 years, your simple ass isn't paying attention. Yep, this is the guy I voted for.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Obama should channel Jay-Z when dealing with Michael Steele

I'm not the biggest Jay-Z fan in the world, but I continue to be impressed with how he deals with lesser opponents who feel the need to take shots at him from the cheap seats. Simply ignore them. I mean, the musical landscape is filled with unanswered diss records directed at Hov as far as the human eye can see. Jay-Z knows that when you reach a certain position, you only give your unworthy opposition who usually need a forklift to carry your jockstrap undue shine by engaging them. Besides, nothing obliterates an opponent more that a "You aren't even worthy of my time" message - the most deafening silence known to man. Steele is a GOP token, something to be smirked at like a picture of puppies or a Britney Spears interview - nothing more. Obama, when dealing with Michael Steele, should take heed of that.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
My case for MSNBC shit-caning Joe Scarborough

The Curious Case of Forrest Gump/Benjamin Button
Even though I spent a considerable amount of time defending "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" when people pointed out the similarities it had to "Forrest Gump" - this piece of video is pretty damning.
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