"Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working very well for them."
What in the is hell is her crazy ass talking about? What, since they are poor they should be content with sleeping on uncomfortable cots, hear crying children continuously, have the horror of many loved ones that are missing or confirmed dead on their mind, and having your home destroyed and seeing dead bodies floating around is a step up? Is that what you are saying Mrs. Bush?? She's nuttier than squirrel shit. She also said the following:
“Almost everyone I’ve talked to says ‘we’re going to move to Houston, What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas."
Yep, I bet a bunch of black folks would just scare the fuck out of you, you miserable bastard. "Return of the Living refugees" definitely sounds like a horror movie to George W. Bush and his inept administration. But statements like that is what gives Kanye's rant about Bush not "caring about black people" some weight. I know that we should respect out elders, and I shouldn't do this, but FUCK YOU Barbara Bush for letting us know how you and people of your ilk actually feel. FUCK YOU to all those conservative bloggers who thought that Kanye's statements were as ridiculous as a Bigfoot sighting, shit I'm still waiting on all you "compassionate conservatives" to explain Bush gutting FEMA, hiring two incompetent cronies to run it, and his Forrest Gump-like response to this tragedy. I also, while wearing a public enemy t-shirt and standing in my best B-Boy stance, want to say FUCK YOU to all those spineless, black-face wearing, stepin fetchit, house negro ass black republicans out there who apologize for Bush with the worst watermelon grins on their faces.
(Camera Crew pans in close to HumanityCritic ala Jerry Springer's "Final Thought" moment)
You know folks, I kind of feel sorry for Black republicans because you are running out of excuses to why you are one. You can't claim the whole "less government" argument because that flew out the window with this administration. Being against Affirmative Action is cute and everything, but being that Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas, two people against it, are beneficiaries of it kind of weaken your argument.(Colin Powell even said that he benefited from it, and is for it.) You didn't want to be a "tax and spend" liberal, OK, because now your dumb ass is a "tax and spend" conservative because the actions of this administration.
I always think that black conservatives were abused, the same way you find out that a hooker was abused as a child, explaining a lot about the woman that she became, because there has to be some explanation to why you love someone that doesn't give a fuck about you. Did other black kids call you "Ugly" as a child? Seriously, you can tell me..
Dude, you know that Barbara is senile or something. Plus, they aren't the brightest family in the world. She's fighting a losing battle. Bless her heart. You can't blame her for being stupid or saying stupid stuff.
Kudos to Kanye and you to see and then to articulate what is so blatantly obvious about this administration! The post-Katrina scenario is one tragic example.
I think you and so many other blacks in this country are purely black racists. You get a little burr up your ass about anything George does..already it is his mother's fault for raising him and it might be that your mom was a black racist too.....who knows.
To anon: Why doesn't your bitch ass come up out of Anonymous? I'm just saying, you probably have a blog of your own, stop being a coward ala Bush during Vietnam and show your true identity.
That being said, I never understood the whole calling someone a racist because they charged someone with racism. That is like the "I know you are but what am I" game, only less mature.
humanity critic -- thanks for passing by...
your blog is hysterical (and enlightening of course!). i'm spreading the word (and the love).
boo to all the haters out there...
you beat me to the punch dude. mrs bush is crazy
I can't believe that anyone in their right mind would say something like that. It really makes me sad for her.
Yes, yes, and yes. Every point you made is right on.
HC for President!!! HC...I would seriously vote for you...I would be scared you beat me up if I didn't but mostly because of your political insight.....Louisana will seperate from the US and you can be pres and Kayne Vice or vice versa..anyway...I would cast my ballot for sure!!! Will definitely keep up with this blog when I can...leaving for the Dominican Republic for 2 years tommorrow with Peace Corps and I feel torn right now because I am suppose to be representing "America" but I feel like murdering our leader...hope no FBI agent comes across this...anyway...just wanted to let you know I will definitely try and keep up with ya...Love this post.
To quote my New Orleans brother Juvenile:
"Where dubya get that dumb shit from, He get it from his ma-maaa",
... Bush is a damn fool, his mother is an old damn fool, his father is the king fool...I know violence doesnt solve anything,
b4 any more punk ass pie holes make a comment on what follows.. But someone needs to stretch that loose ass jowl skin over the top of her head so she wont ever mutter any more loose lipped comments like that again...I say they all get flogged.. condi's ass too!
Much like the saying "out of the mouth of babes"...
"out of the mouth of old fools...come new foolish shit."
Wow...it's amazing the crazy stuff that comes out of her mouth these days. All you can do is shake your head...or write an eloquent piece trying to get a better understanding of WTF she was on..:-)
@HC: You know I am with you for being aggravated by those damn anonymous posters...on the real, you get more respect when you stand behind your words...
How many people DID she talk to?
That isn't exactly invasion of the niggers.
I knew I could count on you to take her out with a throat chop.
she spit out the silver spoon in her fucking mouth long enough to drop SUCH a gem, didn't she?
her and her evil spawn can shove the silver spoon up their asses. I can't fucking wait till we are out of the BUSHES, damn, I need to start my countdown, for real.
"while wearing a public enemy t-shirt and standing in my best B-Boy stance"
Great line and you are too right about Barbara, I couldn't believe she would even fix her mouth to say some dumb s--t like that. Ridiculous.
If ignorance is bliss, they're the happiest people in the world...
@Bulletproof, instead of sptting out the spoon, she should have just swallowed, we wouldn't have him as a president now. go figure, just our luck
The thing she said about it being 'scary' made me really mad. At first the state of Texas was welcoming hurricane victims with open arms.
Then her old ass has to say something dumb like that.
As a Canadian I was pretty much ignoring Bush. But after this disaster, how could I ignore him silly self any longer?
I'm really riled up against him. Folks here thing I'm crazy as batshiznit for wanting to move to the United States. YES, I STILL WANNA GO! 'Cause I gotta help Hillary, John, ANYBODY out for that crown...errr... presidency in 2008.
love your blog. I definately share your sentiments towards the bushies. Lately the media has been focusing on the "red tape" that is getting in the way, and the people playing the "blame game". What a load of crap! The problem is leadership, plane and simple. There's been no leadership from the president on this. It's a disgrace. My latest blog was on this topic. Check it out if you want to.
CONGRATULATIONS on the Black Weblog awards HC!!!! I never doubted you were going to win BUT even I'll admit I didn't think you'd sweep the whole damn thing!!!
Hey Man,
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog...my first non-spam comment I might ad! I saw George Sr. once when I was living in San Fran in '89. His motorcade was driving by me and I gave it the finger as it was zooming by. I kid you not; George Sr. was face up to the glass giving me the finger right back. Ah such refinement, such dignity. He was a crazy muther just like his son. It’s genetic obviously. That's what we have been getting folks, the finger from this family for years. They don't care about anything but their rich oil baron friends and money. "Let them eat shit!"
Beat that bitch with a stick. And to those who criticized Kanye, I think he may have peeped the proverbial "hold" card and now looks more and more like a prophet. The Bushes hate black folk. Now we have heard it from mouth of the chief bitch.
If you're ever in the A, we should go out. I think we'd have a wondaful time talking about dumb ass people in general.
*walking away cuz I'm trying my best not to go on a rampage*
can't say i'm surprised by her comments. thank you for telling the black conservatives about themselves - we all needed to hear that.
Great post, well said and I say FUCK THEM TOO!! GO KANYE!!!
Yeah, from what I've read Barbara is the big influence on her son's attitude. There is a funny story Al Franken has about meeting her in "Lying Liars." They basically are sitting across from each other on a plane and he tries to make small talk, then he throws in a joke about lil' W and she gets all crabbypants on him. She is one of those wealthy people who is like, "I don't get why these people didn't leave. Why didn't they just pack up their SUV and make a stay in a nice hotel. It would have been like a vacation!" No sense of how others live and struggle. I worked for some people like this, it was amazing to see how sheltered their lives are. Anyway, sweet blog. Word.
You know what's surprising man? Is that these comments surprised folks! It's the Bushes! You know those folks aren't right in the head and all. What I'm also surprised at is that she stopped there! Daaaag...
Several times while reading this, I had to stand up in my little office and yell AMEN.
I see a future post documenting a blogger march to Texas to say we're all moving in...led by HC
Anonymous = Jeb Bush?
Jeb I KNOW that's you...
ty for your post, nuff said.
seriously, one of these days, i'm just gonna walk up to you and give you a great big wet open-mouth kiss. of course, then i'll have to ask if you're the right guy, since i don't know you. then i'll have to look around until i find you, and hopefully, i won't have to open-mouth kiss too many guys before i do.
oh, forget it. i'll just agree with you right here, and you can pretend it's a kiss:
that bitch (yeah, i said bitch) can go straight to hell. for real. and she probably will.
oh, uh, props on sweeping the awards. i'm sorry i couldn't congratulate you properly, but this shi* has me all riled up worse than a cat with no kitty litter.
Looking at that old ugly miserable hag just makes me wanna throw her over that balcony. Ugh. God forgive me, but reading those ignorant statements just boils my blood!
She's a jerk just like her idiot son!
Dear HC and all,
Reading a great book called "Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President" by Justin Frank. It's amazing to trace the arc of this man's childhood, adolescence and adulthood of denial and pathology, and the family background that helped to create it.
BTW, it's always nasty when people post hateful things, but to do that anonymously *is* cowardly.
Bush and the Republicans were not protecting us on 9-11, and we aren't a lot safer now. We may be more afraid due to george bush, but are we safer? Being fearful does not necessarily make one safer. Fear can cause people to hide and cower. What do you think? How does that work in a democracy again? How does being more threatening make us more likeable?Isn't the country with
the most weapons the biggest threat to the rest of the world? When one country is the biggest threat to the rest of the world, isn't that likely to be the most hated country?
What happened to us, people? When did we become such lemmings?
We have lost friends and influenced no one. No wonder most of the world thinks we suck. Thanks to what george bush has done to our country during the past three years, we do!
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