Then, I guess in the mid-90's, it suddenly seemed that you had to have legitimate street cred to be taken seriously in the Hip Hop game. Sure, I understand demanding some sort of credibility from artists who brag about drug deals, busting guns, and the disposal of dead body's in the first person, a lengthy street reputation I guess can help when peddling that sort of fiction. But soon it seemed that you had to have some street credibility, regardless what the style of Hip Hop you were producing. I remember hearing Russel Simmons talk about Hip Hop artists needing a "great back-story", on some professional wrestling shit, to be successful in the rap game. A couple of weeks ago, when Young Jeezy was criticizing Nas' feeling that Hip Hop being dead, he questioned his artistic legitimacy by saying this shit: “Nas ain’t no street n*gga. He ain’t been in no street. So Nas ain’t done anything he talk about … Nas bust his guns? Nas been on the block? Do Nas have street credibility?"
"Bust his guns"? I never knew that wordsmiths with the hopes of seeing their name one day in lights had to be a card carrying member of the N.R.A. to be an MC? Maybe it would make more sense if we had motherfuckers go through some sort of Navy Seal training, so when they talk about giving a guy an emergency tracheotomy with sharpie he sounds more believable. Hey, I've seen enough "hood movies" and gang related documentaries ala "Bangin' in Little Rock", lets make it so any rapper who wants to talk about the ills of the ghetto has to be jumped in, being on the business end of many shell-toe Adidas, Nike's, and a slew of other brands. Listen, we're all grown-ups here and know that the man behind the curtain is the fact that many of these guys never did the things that they rap about, just stop acting like any sort of criminal history makes it cool for you to wax poetic about it and not others. Finally, getting shot doesn't give you a bigger soap-box to spew your lies either, it just proves that you are a slow draw and a quick healer.
The very fact that Young “Jeezy” (whatever the hell “Jeezy” means) felt he could criticize NAS shows the lunacy in today’s Hip Hop Music.
o.m.g!!! that shit pisses me off like no other rap comment. so you're telling me i HAVE to believe you can rhyme because you've been shot and have sold drugs? maaaaaaaaaaan gtfohwtbs bitch!
I work for the City of Atlanta Police Dept...and am an AVID hip hop lover. I couldn't let this isht sit no more! How can Jeezy question Nas' "street credibility" when it is well known amongst the folx who work in APD that HE'S A SNITCH!!! The SAME DUDE who's promoting that Stop Snitchin shit is the same cat questioning someone else's credibility. He's got more nerve than a damn tooth ache!
I knew it!!! I knew it!!! When I heard that a lot of dudes were up in arms about the whole HHID thing, I knew it wasn't a credible argument. It just shows how much the ego will do to protect itself.
Snitch ass bitch ass lame coonin' ass nigga....
Check the method on the theories!!!
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