Saturday I had to get some gas something terrible, since I know that a grown man pushing his car is hardly the sexiest thing a potential female suitor could set her eyes on. So as I paid for the petro, I started to innocently flirt with the cashier that I had talked to a million times before. Sure she is beautiful, and sure I don't have a snowballs chance in hell with her, so the impossibility of me ever entering her vaginally has reduced my game spitting skills to submarine levels such as "When are we gonna fuck girl? I promise, it will be quick and you won't feel a thing!!" She finds my brand of bullshit funny, and since there wasn't anyone in line I felt obligated to bombard her with as many sexually uncomfortable innuendos that a masturbating master like myself could muster. Scratch that, there was a guy behind me but he wasn't technically in line, he was scratching lottery tickets. Anyway, in the middle of my sentence I stammered over a couple of words(as a kid I was a big studderer. It has gotten much better since then, but occasionally it rears its ugly head) and this motherfucker behind me had the audacity to mock me, going "Cha-Cha.. hee-hee"
My friends tease me about my speech impediment all the time, I would be crazy to feel sensitive toward it since I am an amazingly insensitive prick myself.(I once told an ex, after sex, "You're money is on the table. Scram!" She didn't find that funny) But this dude wasn't a friend, and the mere fact that his main goal was to embarrass me in front of a girl that I had visions of giving me eyerolling mouth-hugs to some drunken night, I was pissed off. So I calmly turned to him and asked him, "How old are you dude?", because I had to make sure he was of legal age first. He said, "I'm 20 years old, why you want to know asshole??. I smiled and said, "Good", then I elbowed him in the chest knocking him back into the convenience store isle, tipping the shit over completely. He looked like he wanted to get up and I angrily screamed, "Get up and I will make your ass squeal like Ned Beatty's character in deliverance motherfucker!!" As I left the store feeling good about getting that anger out, I thought 2 things: 1: How nerdy am I to spout a movie reference during a "tough guy" rant and 2: Maybe I should think before I speak, because Ned Beatty's character DID get ass-raped in Deliverance.
So fuck it, I'm not sitting on anyone's couch any more, I'm going to embrace the fact that sometimes in my life I'm just going to have to put some random individuals on their ass. Matter of fact, in honor of me embracing my "inner asshole", here is a list of people I would love to punch in the face.

How would HumanityCritic handle him? I think I would go undercover as some sort of Black Republican group president and be a guest on his show.(How hard is it to pretend to be a black republican anyway. Just wear blackface, learn how to "soft shoe", act like I don't have an actually backbone, and publicly do some sell out shit and act like Condi Rice is the equivalent to Harriet fucking Tubman) As Bill begins to ask me questions I would interrupt him and say, "Bill, shut your ass up!", and hop over his desk and pound him into oblivion screaming "Andrea Makris sent me motherfucker!!"(The chick he sexually harassed a couple of years ago.) Granted, the move would get me pummelled beyond belief by his security guys, but it would be so worth it.

How would HumanityCritic handle him? Again with the infiltration, but I would act like a rabid Jim Jones fan in the audience of TRL. As one of the hosts turns to Jim Jones and says, "Jim, one of your die hard fans has a question to ask you!" As he agrees to take a question, I would emerge from the crowd with a staler-like fan expression on my face and say: "J-J-Jim J-Jones, I was wondering..." Then he would say, "Yeah?", to which my voice would suddenly get deeper and I would say, "I was wondering if you have ever got your ass beaten on National Television?? Riverside motherfucker!!" Then I would beat his ass as usually cherry TRL kids formed a barrier around the both of us, shielding off security as I took Jim Jones jewelry and beat his ass for every time I heard one of his wack songs or saw one of his bullshit videos. Even though that footage wouldn't get aired, I would post it on my blog where I know you kind folks would seriously critique it, and give me pointers on my fighting technique. Hey, a brother has to tighten up for when I beat up "Dem Franchize Boyz"

How would HumanityCritic handle him? I would do what I had to do and be a finalist on one of his "Making the Band" shows. My rap name would be "Critic the chronic masturbator", one of the only rappers in Puffy's "super group" as he would constantly say. One day when we are in the studio and he calls himself trying to call me out for not "bringing the fire" on a lyrical level, I would emerge from the vocal booth saying "Did you hear your verse in SuperCat's "Dolly My baby"? You don't have the right to comment on anyone's lyrics!" As he would try to save face in front of the camera and act all bad, I would take a Biggie platinum plaque off the wall and smash him over the head with it. I would get arrested, I know that, but wouldn't me being hauled off by security screaming "You killed Biggie motherfucker!!" be great T.V??

How would HumanityCritic handle him? I'm not, he's a cop. But I guess I will revisit this one when he retires from the force in a few months..