Sunday, November 05, 2006

Ten Types of Republicans

I just had to put that on my blog, even though I would like to add one.

11. Mr. Black Token:
When defending their choice of political affiliation, Mr. Black Token will assure you that the welcome mat is rolled out on the front steps of the republican party for African Americans. Besides telling anyone that will listen about their individualism, you might hear their heartwarming tale of why they decided to be a republican in the first place, a scripted cluster-fuck that usually has something to do with the democratic party taking them for granted. Yes, the democratic party takes black folks for granted, but what Mr. Black Token always fails to demonstrate is how the Republican Party is any better. Usually you can find him on stage at republican conventions as a pawn to show the party's "diversity", he'll be dragged out as the friend of a politician accused of racism to say "I know him and he's no racist!!", and he's the one that says "I didn't think that was racist at all!!" with a straight face when asked about that racially charged ad against Harold Ford Jr.

Mr. Black Token, especially if they are a blogger, doesn't see the need to introduce other black people to a party they believe in, no, they spend a great deal of their time apologizing for the racism in their party and especially pointing out clear examples of reverse racism on white people. It's kind of like a black cop who wants to show his white partner that he won't give black people preferential treatment, so he bashes in the head of some random perp. Or a new gang-member who kills an elderly woman just to show the homeys that he's down.


BLESSD1 said...

Aww don't know the half, HC. One of my former roomie's, I discovered, was a Black Republican. Now, I aint hatin on em....I just can't make any type of sense of their arguments regarding....ANYTHING! However, I did find that his defense of ANY topic that concenrned his party...the party of Bush, often sounded like something quoted from Sean Hannity or that amoral retard, Rush Limbaugh. Sheesh....I STILL CAN"T BELIEVE that he said that Michael Fox was faking the symptoms of his condition....tsk...tsk...tsk....

Mia said...

Loved the cartoon! So true!

Anonymous said...

That cartoon was funny yet so true.

Rush is a retard to believe that Michael J. Fox is faking his symptoms. He ought to get chopped in the throat.

libhom said...

Love the cartoon and the addition. I always thought that most of the black conservatives on tv and talk radio were in it for the money. There is a small, but lucrative, cottage industry in exploiting white racism for profit.