Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Public Service Announcement about "Blog Biting"

Rant of the Day

I understand that we all have similar experiences, and the chances of people tackling the same topics is a given, but there are definitely blog biters out there. I won't call this dude out by name, and he isn't lifting words verbatim from my blog, but he is definitely biting my style something fierce. Look I have no problem if you want to write something based on an idea you got from my blog and you reference me, I have no problem with that, that's cool. But to shamelessly copy someone's overall approach and style of blog is downright deplorable.

Let me say something 3 times so all of you understand:

If you have ever commented on my blog I am not talking about you.
If you have ever commented on my blog I am not talking about you.
If you have ever commented on my blog I am not talking about you.

So please, don't take offense to this blog in any way because the person that I am talking about has never posted a comment on my blog, I'll put that on my momma. If it was someone that commented on my blog I would feel comfortable addressing them in a civil matter about their blog approach. The reason that I haven't called this person out by name is because I am trying to see if my theory is legitimate or if I am a paranoid fuck.

Thank you for your time.


the kid said...

Ok, maybe I'm just nosy rosy, but sidebar me so I can look at the blog that's biting.

Jdid said...

van damn you're like the jay z of blogs up in this here blog world

ya need to get that dirtof ya shouldr homie.

first you got haters , now you got biters. all you need is to hook up wid a big booty chick, retire and become president of this here blogger. :-)

Anonymous said...

Dude, I have this ex-girl of mine who does the same thing. I HATE it and it drives me nuts. I would confront her, but she'd swear I was making it up. It's a real pain in the ass...but oh well.

As for the hater copying, he can't be you. You're stuff is classic, so much so that I'll actually bother to read a blog. That's saying a lot :)

josie said...

there can only be one critic

Unknown said...

it does not surprise me. heads on be stealing pics and identity from people perpetrating a front. it was not going to be too long before they started taking styles...

SooHK said...

Copying and following someone blog..Kanasai... (translate to english got hit with some shit from hokkien dialect)

ohnati said...

^ if he replies he's even more of a fucking loser because then he would just flat out give himself away

but then we could laugh at him, so that might be fun

Dayrell said...

LOL. Damn? Shame on that brutha for biting. However, I would take it as a complement Critic. lol.

Anonymous said...

Whats the blog address?!?!

Let us decide!

Anonymous said...

We all know.. Sudden change of stly, telling more personal stories, daily pictures alongside of posts, sudden usage of lists. I always knew, I saw the change before HC said anything, but HC is being classy by not being ignorant and putting that biting jackass on blast.

ohnati said...

At 7:07 AM, starfoxx15 said...

I will quote from a classic song,

"Cheater, Biter... love to forge/ Better yet, I'll call you Curious George..."

let your backbone slide by maestro

aw yeeah