When I first heard the "
More Fish" album by Ghostface and listened to the song "
You know I'm no good", I just figured the woman singing was a 60's era sample that they snatched from one of those James Bond movies back in the day. Little did I know at the time but that song, minus Ghostface, was
originally on an album entitled "
Back to Black" by a young woman hailing from England named Amy Winehouse. Her coming from the land of the union jack didn't surprise me in the least because I feel that foreigners have a greater respect for R&B and Hip Hop than many people in the states to be completely honest, but I was just intrigued to learn more about her and how someone of her age could have such a depth to her voice. Before I heard the album, I read accounts of her performing
drunk on television shows,
punching fans and beating up her boyfriend,
heckling Bono, the more I researched this young woman the more I got a chubby, feeling that I had found a kindred spirit. Then I heard the album, a throwback of sorts listening to musical arrangements that you might have heard years ago, a welcome sound to the eardrums when blistering non-talents like Ciara and Keisha Cole dominate the public airwaves. But the album, on a lyrical level seems like the soundtrack of my life(
minus the tits, strong singing voice, race, and country of origin that is...) She talks about
people wanting her to go to rehab, relationship issues, and people smoking up all her weed, truly a woman after my own heart. Plus, you can't help but love a woman who starts off a song with "
What kind of fuckery is this??"
It's hard to talk about someone from a different continent with any sort of accuracy because of our lack of exposure to said artist, but from all accounts she has dropped a significant amount of weight due to eating disorders and has a severely destructive drinking problem.(
There are some telling pictures) Here's to hoping she gets some help, if I can do it I know she can. Granted, I only feel that I'm cured because I've stopped taking marijuana shotguns out of prostitutes vaginas.. Anyway,
here is her myspace page.
Amy Winehouse when talking about her tattoos: “I like pin-up girls. I’m more of a boy than a girl. I’m not a lesbian, though — not before a sambuca anyway."
Dude....she doesn't even look like herself in the thin pic; she looks like a transvestite guy that idolizes her and wants to be her. I sincerely hope she can get better; she was FOINE in her healthier pic.
Someone sent me this CD late last year... [Back to Black]. Needless to say, I was hooked. Favorite line in the weed song:
It got me addicted, just more than any dick did
That got me through many a nights I tell you what!
I have been telling people about this for a little bit now, and I'm glad people are slowly coming around. This album is reeeally good.
Funny, I happened up on it by accident (I was looking for AC/DC's Back in Black). LOL. It was the best thing I accidentally found in a long time. :)
I was wondering about Amy Winehouse.
Thanks for the tip. I'll be sure to hit up limewire for some cuts to upload on the ol' MP3 player. ...
I mean, I could buy it... but I will... eventually... so anyway, thanks for the tip. ;-)
It's funny you should mention Winehouse. I heard "Rehab" for the first time last night and I've been playing the song and reading up on her ever since.
i'm so glad you posted this blog. i used to be good about keeping up with talented yet slept-on musicians, but i fell off somewhere along the line. she's dope. gonna cop her albums. 'preciate ya.
Yeah, yeah. Everybody loves a soulful White girl. *Yawn*. Next, please.
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