The reason why I brought any of that up was because over the past several months I have seen black republican journalists and bloggers shamelessly carry water for the Duke lacrosse members who were accused of rape. I mean, I guess it wouldn't have been as vomit inducing if they seemed sincere and heartfelt about their feelings that these young men were innocent. But it was done in such a "House negro-massa" way, them screaming at the top of their lungs from the highest of mountain tops that it was nothing but "reverse racism", secretly hoping that such acts of verbal loyalty would ingratiate them to the likes of Rush Limbaugh so he will one day hire them to park cars at his Hillbilly heroin parties. Or maybe, just maybe, them being a bona fide black republican who tirelessly defends a handful of douche-bags going to college in North Carolina will land them on stage at a future Republican Convention, looking like a crow in a blizzard, too stupid enough to know that they are being used for the sake of "inclusion".
Listen, if the young men in question are truly innocent of the crime of rape I agree that they should be free from associating themselves with black men that converted to Islam and forced conjugal visits from Neo-Nazi inmates named Hans, I would never want anyone to be a resident of a state funded "pound me in the ass" prison if they didn't deserve it. But it just struck me as kind of odd that the Duke Players, their parents, and the attorney's of the players were allowed to go on every morning show known to man to state their case and how they were wrongly accused. I mean, just think about how many times you have seen some unfortunate black bastard that spent the better part of his life behind bars for a crime he didn't commit only to be exonerated by some DNA evidence 30 years too late, with you only seeing the man in one interview and the justice system giving him a silly shrug, a pat on the back, and a "my bad" for his troubles. Besides the scenario that I just laid out, think about how many times you've heard about some innocent man getting wrongly executed, and other acts of injustice, so excuse me if I don't feel sorry for those young men who actually think Lacrosse is a sport.
But you know why I really don't feel sorry for those young men, even if they are innocent of the crime, is because at the end of the day they are still steaming piles of shit in my humble opinion. First off, as a man who loves titty's with glitter on them as much as the next guy, who in the fuck only gets two strippers to dance for 40 people?(Especially if one of them had never stripped before) You're supposed to be our "best and out brightest"? Hell man, two sets of titty's isn't enough to satisfy the fantasy scenario I have in my head, how in the hell is it supposed to soothe the savage beast of 40 jackasses who probably unconsciously yelled "PUSH!!" when they saw the scantily clad women since the last time they saw a naked woman an umbilical cord was being cut.
But lastly, how about Jason Bissey, the neighbor who lived next door to the frat house who heard someone yell "Thank your grandpa for my nice cotton shirt!"? Granted, those Duke boys might not be rapists but they sure do resemble fecal matter in my humble opinion.
How about the racial epithets that were heard by some passer-by's on that fateful night? Apparently so many "N-words" were thrown out that it would have made Strom Thurman say, "Now that's excessive!!" Sexual offenders, maybe not, but bad representatives of the human race that should be beaten violently with a pillowcase full of VHS versions of "Roots", definitely.
How about Ryan McFadyen, a member of the team sending one of the other players an email talking about "having some strippers over" and making references to "killing the bitches" and then cutting off their skin while ejaculating "in [his] Duke-issue spandex"? Again, I'm not one for wanting innocent men to go to prison, that's if they are indeed innocent, but when it comes to the charge of these men being watery bowel movements and other abysmal examples of human flesh. Verdict: Guilty.
HC, what do you think of the case involving
Genarlow Wilson?
That Genarlow Wilson case is absolutely horrible! I sincerely hope that enough people get their act together, and work out a way to get GW freed!
But for me, the larger issue is: how in the hell are teenagers renting out hotel rooms? They memorialized that activity in a song (I forget the title), so we know its done, and what they do in those rooms, but someone has got to take some responsibility, and try keep these kids from engaging in these potentially dangerous activities.
You can read my thoughts about the Duke rape case here:
Why can't anyone who wants to judge the three defendants keep from mixing them up with everyone else on the Lacrosse team?
Of the three defendants, only one of them was in any way involved with hiring the strippers. The other two just attended a team party, during spring break, where strippers were present. And I'm not sure where you're going with the "only hired two strippers" thing but did you notice that they were getting paid $400 each? Rich white boys or not, that kind of limits the T&A.
Yes, another team member made a private, disgusting e-mail. It was a take-off on the novel "American Psycho" which both he and the person he wrote the e-mail to had read. So freaking what? Stupid, disgusting e-mails aren't illegal. And what does it have to do with ANY of the team members who were charged?
Nobody disputes the "cotton shirt" comment. You don't mention that it was a direct response to the second stripper's "little-dick white boy" slur. And again, nobody has suggested that the "cotton shirt" comment came from ANY of the three defendants. As for the people walking past who were called "nigger"; that came from the second stripper's 911 call from later in the evening. She called the police and claimed that she was walking past the house with a friend and was called racial slurs. Of course she was making it up...it DIDN'T happen, and this is according to HER statement.
Nobody behaved well that night, but you're taking a bunch of things you heard, true and false, about the behavior of many, many different people; and you're using that to smear the three defendants. Almost nothing you're talking about has anything to do with the three people who've had to deal with rape charges for the past ten months.
"Of the three defendants, only one of them was in any way involved with hiring the strippers."
Who claimed anything different? It is my belief that there was misconduct outside of the gentlemen that were charged, a few of which hired the strippers..
"And I'm not sure where you're going with the "only hired two strippers" thing but did you notice that they were getting paid $400 each?"
The "hiring two strippers" came from all the evidence available, that's where I was going with that. Besides, if the paid 2 strippers 400 dollars each it also makes them incredibly stupid, but I digress.
"Rich white boys or not, that kind of limits the T&A."
No it doesn't, especially since there were 40 people there. What kind of inbred individual can't pass around a hat and get a few more exotic dancers. Sure 400 dollars limits T&A, if you're retarded.
"Stupid, disgusting e-mails aren't illegal."
Was there anywhere in my post where I said it was illegal?? It just points to a lack of moral fiber with the individuals in question, that's all..
"Nobody disputes the "cotton shirt" comment. You don't mention that it was a direct response to the second stripper's "little-dick white boy" slur."
Besides the fact that the neighbor didn't hear the "little-dick white boy" slur, seems a piss poor invention to me, but you are also trying to pass off the notion that one slur deserves another.(a slur that only you heard obviously) Lets just hope that you don't practice law, I mean, with a stellar defense like that and all..lol
"As for the people walking past who were called "nigger"; that came from the second stripper's 911 call from later in the evening."
That actually cam from the two female passers-bye at the time of the incident, great guess though..
"Of course she was making it up...it DIDN'T happen, and this is according to HER statement."
I never claimed that she made that statement at all, so the above sentence is meaningless..
"Nobody behaved well that night, but you're taking a bunch of things you heard, true and false, about the behavior of many, many different people; and you're using that to smear the three defendants."
But at the same time, you talk about taking things that I've "heard, true and false", but you stand by the fact that that young woman wasn't rape with the utmost of confidence. I mean, you weren't there, how do you know?? Pot meet kettle..
HC, you usually have your head screwed on straight but, how do I say this politely, yet so that you'll understand --uh,how about this: you got your head up your butt on this one.
Let me explain. See basically you've got too many feminist bones in your body.
Now why do I say that? That's because
the problem is phoney rape charges. You don't seem to recognize that if they go after the Duke lacrosse players, the next thing you know they're gonna go after me and then they're gonna go after you. Doesn't matter if any of us did anything, It doesn't matter if you're black, white, or green. All that matters is that you're a guy.
"HC, you usually have your head screwed on straight but.."
Oh no, whenever someone starts off with a compliment thats always trouble..
"Let me explain. See basically you've got too many feminist bones in your body."
In what way?? I didn't go on and on about the rights of this particular woman, how she was victized from day one regardless if the charges were phoney or not, I didn't even approach the topic of what would make this young woman turn to stripping..
"Now why do I say that? That's because
the problem is phoney rape charges. You don't seem to recognize that if they go after the Duke lacrosse players, the next thing you know they're gonna go after me and then they're gonna go after you."
But I clearly said that if these young men didn't commit the rape then they should be free as a bire. I was commenting on what seems like a lack of moral fiber with those same men in general, the racial undertones that no one can seem to refute, the horse and pony show that the boys and their parents are doing on every talkshow even though they are the only wrongly accused people ever afforded that opportunity.. It's clear, rapists or not, that these boys are steaming piles of shit. That was my point.
"All that matters is that you're a guy."
But I'm a black guy, which comes before my solidarity with other guys everywhere.
HC, you missed my point. It's not a question of solidarity with guys because you're a guy. It's a question of justice. The point is that when you're a guy you have a big bullseye painted all over you. That's why I'm saying it doesn't matter if you're a black guy, a white guy, a green guy from Mars.
That's also why I don't see your point about the white guys going on tv,and the black guys don't go on tv. TV needs to have more stories about false accusations. But you need a pioneer. Once one set of guys go on, other guys get to go on.
Look at CBS. First they start with Walter Cronkite. He's the pioneer. Then they go to Dan Rather. Then they go to Katie Couric. See, once you get a pioneer, it ends up that anyone can get on tv.
"HC, you missed my point. It's not a question of solidarity with guys because you're a guy. It's a question of justice."
I didn't miss the point, I said a few times during this post that if those boys are indeed innocent that I'm glad the didn't see the inside of a jail cell.
"The point is that when you're a guy you have a big bullseye painted all over you."
I'd say if you were a rich guy the bullseye would be on you, but if you an average schmo I'd say make sure she says "yes" when attempting a rear entry and you'll be OK.
"That's also why I don't see your point about the white guys going on tv,and the black guys don't go on tv. TV needs to have more stories about false accusations."
Hell, it seems like about once a month you see some black guy that's been incarcerated for about 20 years of his life finally get exonerated because of some DNA evidence. Do you know how many black men have been wrongly executed? I'm sorry, I find it difficult to shed any tears for these miserable fucks..
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