Rubbish: 1. Garbage. 2: "Crappy"
You will have to forgive me. See, I have a friend from England who uses this word a lot and I didn't know when I would get a chance to use it without looking like a complete douche, or a person that was desperately trying to sell some new found vernacular upon my family and friends. The other day when I asked my friend what the deal was with that puertorican waitress that I hooked him up with he said, "Hell mate, all she did was talk about your bloody ass the whole time, but I tapped that though". Me, pausing, trying to figure out if it was alright for me to ask about the quality of said booty, was interrupted by him when he said, "It was rubbish, let me tell you!" which made me giggle like a school girl for a few minutes.
So the other night I found myself in a strip club, getting a lap dance from a girl who had obviously just started her career based on her very nonrhythmic movements and that "I can't believe I'm wearing clear heels" look on her face. Usually I would have just moved on to the next girl, a more experienced girl that would leave me with an even bigger pair of blue balls, rivaling the cartoon character "Nutsack Smurf", but I just kept giving her more of my money.(OK, "Nutsack Smurf" wasn't a character, but didn't you wonder which smurf kept smurfette satisfied enough to not become the town whore. Or was she the town whore, but the animators of said show decided to edit it "selectively". Sorry for the rant) I don't know what I expected, it wasn't like she would be like the character in "Footloose" where she turns into someone that had two left feet into Debbie Allen or some shit. But after 4 dances, 2 Reggae-ton songs, a Lil John song, and a Mike Jones song, my irritation of hearing that nonsense along with my "soldier" that was only at semi-attention, I blurted out "You are rubbish at your job!!" She stopped dancing, glared at me with a look of disgust which turned into one of frustration, asking me "Is rubbish a good thing??" I smiled and said, "Yes, its very complimentary", sitting back down to pay good money to let a woman I didn't know rub her crotch on me. Besides thinking about how she represented strippers in a negative light because of her ignorance, the many hours I would spend trying to scrub her stench off of me, I also wondered about all the people that I come in contact with that are also "rubbish" at their jobs.

But there are a couple of problems with me doing that. First of all she likes me, to the point that she unbuttons her shirt a couple of buttons exposing her sinful cleavage and says that me having dreadlocks is "sexy as shit". To an insecure, shallow prick in search of validation like myself, that is enough to keep me from snitching about her to her superiors. The sad thing is that I am a hypochondriac and too paranoid about catching some sort of new genital bird flu, and her age being a bit of a problem, that I will never get to have a "hate fuck" session with her where I tell her how lousy she is at her job. Also, I don't want to contribute to the black unemployment numbers in any way possible. So, she is indeed horrible at her job, but as long as no one else complains then I guess she will be looking sexy doing it.(or not doing it.)

I have seen him at a few sports bars that I frequent and he has made it his business to casually converse with me, and try to buy me and whoever I am with drinks. I was wondering where the kindness was coming from, until one time he asked, "You aren't going to tell anyone that I'm gay right? You looked like you were going to tell the world that night at your friends party." Thinking back on how "Yo, Yo!! Hahaha! YO, Yo!!" would have looked to a locally famous closeted gay man I said: "I don't give a fuck if you are gay or not, I just want to know who cuts your motherfucking hair man!!" Then I ushered him to a near-by mirror and said, "No one has told you about this?? If people said that your hairstyle looks good, well, motherfucker they aren't your friends!!" He giggled nervously, as to imply that he would take my disrespect as long as I didn't "out" him. But now it sucks because he doesn't buy me or my crew drinks anymore when I see him out, I guess that is one of the downsides to not being a homophobe.