You know, before I even started this blog I knew that the path for African American artists was a treacherous one, but because I felt that I was mentally equipped with a months worth of water, some hiking boots, and a highly powered handgun on my hip, that I could conquer the rough terrain that is the plight of the black artist. I even knew beforehand that while some black folks might like what I did, that there would always be a section of black folks who thought that I was shucking and jiving just because the main focus of my blog wasn't to uplift the race. I mean, I love my people, I try to be as responsible as a 32 year old sex addict with anger issues can be, and I don't promote ignorance or a black republican agenda, but for some folks that isn't enough.
After reading a plethora of my posts I realized that I was satisfied with what I had done, I didn't feel that I had "sold out", so I got out my digital camera ready to take a captivating picture of my rectal area, one that I planned on emailing to a few of my detractors. Then I thought to myself, what would be a perfect way to show them that I uplift my race with every post, that HumanityCritic oozes positivity out of his pores, that I was indeed a beacon of light on the wonderful landscape that is the black blogosphere. I got it, talk about my experiences with various drugs!

Case in point, hours before "See No Evil" was scheduled to go to the studio to record some material for our demo, we decided to get completely baked off of this orange looking weed that we were given by a girl we affectionately nicknamed "Weedy Wendy". We called her that not only because she looked like she was transported to the nineties from the Woodstock festival and sold marijuana, but she would lecture you for hours on the importance of hemp, her hemp clothing, and some sort of marijuana cookbook that her silly ass was pettling at the time. Anyway, we got completely wrecked, but through our purple haze we all had a sudden jolt of inspiration, each one of us writing lyrics that we thought were going to revolutionize the rap game. Later on we went to the studio with beat ideas, an arsenal of lyrics, and a weed inspired bravado that would even make Cheech and Chong proud. I remember us laying our vocals thinking that we had captured magic in a recording studio, and each time we played it back it seemed that we had struck Hip Hop gold. Unfortunately the next day, with our heads clear and no longer under the influence of the finest greenery this side of the Mason Dixon, we were shocked to hear that we had recorded 4 songs of off beat rhyming, arguing, slurring, and girl-like giggling to what can be described as "Casio" beats. That was a waste of time and money, but at least I got a chance to laugh at myself, me saying "Damn, I am high as a motherfucker" after every rap verse was funny as fuck.

High as hell, I found myself laying horizontal beside the bohemian chick in question on some sort of fruity ass futon, about to clumsily thrust on top of her while her party was going on in the adjacent room. Right when I was about to introduce her to a meat product that she was indeed ok with, I said to myself, "Self, your heart is beating out of your goddamned chest!!" I tried to play it off and continue the age of act of pre-ejaculation with this woman, but I couldn't stand it no more, jumped up, and in a very womanly tone screamed "I think I'm having a heart attack!!" She got fully dressed and told me to follow her in the room where the party was, but I was so scared out of my skull that I failed to get fully dressed and walked out in front of everyone with my boxers on, sporting excessive wood. For the next half hour, even though I claimed that I was having a heart attack, people attempted to calm me down, saying that "It was all in my mind." Then it seemed that each person at the party proceeded to feel my pulse, it got to the point that I had to knock peoples hands away, I even told one dude "Your dumb ass didn't finish High School, now you think you are Doogie Houser?? Get the fuck off me!!"
Finally, in an act that I find pretty curious for someone who had a rapid heart beat, I proceeded to jog around this chick's block about 40 times, at 3 in the morning, in the rain, only wearing my boxers. I finally came back in her house and passed out due to exhaustion, waking up many hours later to a regular heat beat once again. But my heart rate increased later that day though, when I kicked the guy's ass who laced the blunt that I smoked with cocaine. Remember kiddies, always watch someone while they roll a fatty.

So I'm chilling with her and a couple of her friends at this rave, a place where people don't dance but they convulse, and the moment of truth comes and she hands me a couple of extacy pills. You know what, I should have been a Narc because I suddenly found out that I could "fake" take drugs with the best of them. Palming the pills, throwing them behind me, I had an arsenal of slight of hand tricks that would make that pussy David Blaine shit himself. Besides, because Extacy apparently makes you "touchy-feely", I got a chance to act all fucked up while feeling up CC and her friends in a sea of glow sticks. Later, CC and I consummated our "relationship", but after every 10th thrust I had to keep reminding myself to say "I see all types of weird colors!!" out loud, mid coitus.

Ten minutes later I'm in my house and I don't feel anything, but as soon as I got to my room it hit me like a ton of bricks. The walls were talking to me, I saw Hitler riding a skateboard, I was having an in-depth conversation with the fictional character Gomer Pile, I suddenly found myself telling Appolonia how bad I wanted to purify her body in Lake Minatonka, I was officially high. Seeing sporadic hallucinations were cool, but it became uncool when I woke up the next morning damn near as fucked up as I was the night before. Looking back I don't know how I went through that entire day without going crazy, not being able to clearly hear anything the teacher said, slurring my speech to friends who attempted to talk to me that day. Shit, how in the hell did I get past my father, a dude so aware of any detail he could tell you if you gained a few pounds, just finished crying, or just had sex based on the "blue glow" around your genitalia. I did though, but like Chris Tucker's character in Friday I feel that I haven't quite been the same since that fateful day. Hey, my mother claims that I don't have any sense, maybe it was that acid.
After that experience with the lace blunt, I wouldn't try ecstasy either. ecstasy is something terrible. Horrible drug. It makes my stomach hurt to think about it. The damn hangover is a nothing to play with. Not to mention the stupid shit you do and say on it. Not worth it. Good post. :)
there you go. show those haters. hilarious. i love how your story about x didn't involve any actual consumption. hilarious. this guy i went to school w/said he loves coke and if he'd gone to a white school he would be a coke head... college grad. who said books make you smart? that's bullshit. his sis w/her mba loves x.
You had me at "My first reaction [...] was to email them a picture of my asshole..."
Funny-ass post, but I've gotta ask (fearfully):
How the hell does jogging allow you to look at your own dick? Why would that be the only time? Why is this such a motivating factor?
Know matter what you write, someone is going to have a problem. Keep doing what you do. BTW -- I think alot of womem get over a breakup the same way guys do.
LOL @ West's comment...I was trying to envision the jogging thing too!!
*hangs head and laughs in a corner*
That is hilarious!! never tried any of aforementioned drugs... I do have a great story involving tequila, me flashing my boobs, and dancing on a bar... and another about long island ice teas (about 7 of them) and passing out on the shoulder of a major highway, being left on my parents door because the dude I was with thought my dad was gonna shoot him. Good post!
west: he means he jogged to keep the gut at bay so he could look down and see his dick at leisure.
HC? its always the coke heads that are vegetarians and you know, all pure in every other way. i call it the river phoenix school of health.
this blog is so damn fun. and educational!
re: "west: he means he jogged to keep the gut at bay so he could look down and see his dick at leisure."
Ahhh, I see. Thx.
LMAO @ Doogie Howser! LOL! Good post, HC
Man, I had the EXACT same feelings about Appolonia.
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